Innovative Projekter

Vi investerer i banebrydende medicinske og AI-teknologier.

a black and purple background with lines
a black and purple background with lines
AI i Sundhed

Samarbejde mellem eksperter og AI-pionerer for forbedring.

woman in black sweater holding white and black vr goggles
woman in black sweater holding white and black vr goggles
Radiologi Innovation

Udvikling af AI-drevne løsninger til radiologi.

person standing near the stairs
person standing near the stairs
person holding light bulb
person holding light bulb

Strategiske investeringer i startups, der forbedrer patientpleje.

Teknologisk Fremskridt

Accelererer løsninger, der reducerer omkostninger og øger tilgængelighed.

Innovation i Sundhed

Revolutionerende teknologi til forbedring af patientpleje og omkostninger.

a small green cactus sitting on top of a wooden table
a small green cactus sitting on top of a wooden table
person holding black iPhone displaying stock exchange
person holding black iPhone displaying stock exchange
white robot near brown wall
white robot near brown wall
a row of water pumps sitting next to each other
a row of water pumps sitting next to each other
black and white crew neck shirt
black and white crew neck shirt
a close up of a meter on a pole
a close up of a meter on a pole